CSP Fellowship 2023

 Application for China Study Program Fellowship

CSP provides individualized training programs for each candidate and offers generous fellowships to cover the cost of research, fieldwork, and living expenses in China. By offering opportunities for collaboration with prestigious professors in 18 key universities in China, this program brings in-depth learning and research opportunities. Ph.D. candidates registered in an overseas university are eligible to apply for a “Joint Research Ph.D. Fellowship," and those who have obtained a master's degree and are interested in pursuing a Ph.D. degree in China may apply for the “Ph.D. Program in China." We are sorry that currently, students with Chinese citizenship are not eligible for this program.


The application deadline for the 2023 CSP Fellowship is Feb 28, 2023. Please visit this website for detailed information: http://www.chinese.cn/page/#/pcpage/csp.

For more information you can communicate directly with Mario Cisneros from the Confucius Institute USFQ.

Email address: mcisnerosb@usfq.edu.ec

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