USFQ Alumni Summit: Leadership


USFQ Alumni Summit: Leadership

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Únete a un evento de alto impacto que reunirá a líderes empresariales graduados de la USFQ en un espacio de aprendizaje, networking y crecimiento profesional. El USFQ Alumni Summit: Leadership ofrece una experiencia única que incluye:
  • Talleres Prácticos: Durante la semana previa al evento, podrás participar en talleres virtuales impartidos por expertos, donde se abordarán temas de liderazgo y desarrollo profesional.
  • Panel Alumni “Liderazgo para Enfrentar Retos: Alumni Inspiradores”: Un panel de graduados de la USFQ que compartirán sus experiencias, aprendizajes y estrategias para enfrentar los desafíos en el mundo empresarial.
  • Panel Empresarial “Liderazgo para el Crecimiento: Tendencias y Estrategias”: Contaremos con la participación de destacados empresarios que discutirán las tendencias actuales y estrategias para el crecimiento sostenible en un entorno competitivo.
  • Charla Magistral “Liderazgo de Impacto y Sostenibilidad”: Con la participación especial del Dr. Michael W. Crooke, ex CEO de Patagonia, cofundador de WAYB y profesor en la Universidad de Oregon, quien compartirá su visión sobre el liderazgo orientado al impacto y la sostenibilidad.
  • Evento exclusivo de cierre: espacio para conectar y hacer crecer tu red de contactos entre la comunidad de líderes USFQ.

3 comentarios :

  1. The USFQ Alumni Summit on Leadership sounds like a fantastic event, bringing together alumni to discuss the importance of leadership in today’s world. It's always inspiring to hear different perspectives on how leadership shapes careers and communities. Events like this help foster connections and encourage personal growth among participants. On a related note, custom name patches are a great way to add a personal touch to alumni gear, whether it’s for jackets, bags, or hats. It adds a sense of belonging and pride to any event, making the gathering even more special. Looking forward to hearing more about the summit!

    1. An excellent opportunity to reconnect and explore the challenge of leadership development in today's world, The USFQ Alumni Summit on Leadership is probably geared toward equipping individuals with skills that will allow them to lead effectively, share experience, and inspire others. Plus, it provides diversity in perspective from various sectors on leadership. For more transformative educational opportunities, see our article on theEmory PA program here.

  2. At its core, the USFQ Alumni Summit: Leadership is about preparing leaders for the challenges of tomorrow. In a world that is constantly changing, leadership must evolve with it. This summit explores the emerging trends that are shaping leadership—whether it's the integration of technology, the importance of social responsibility, or the evolving expectations of today’s workforce. Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and connections needed to lead with purpose, drive innovation, and make a meaningful impact in your community and beyond.
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