PhD position in Stream Biogeochemistry and sediment transport at University of Koblenz-Landau

The Faculty 7: Natural and Environmental Sciences at the University of Koblenz-Landau invites applications for a PhD position in Stream Biogeochemistry


at the Institute for Environmental Sciences at the Campus Landau/Pfalz, Germany. The position will be associated with the Environmental Physics Group ( at the Campus Landau (Dr. Clara Mendoza-Lera) and with the group of River Ecology ( at Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH – UFZ in Magdeburg (Dr. Ute Risse-Buhl). It is limited to a period of three years and subject to the German law on fixed-term contracts in science.


The project FlowReSeT aims to clarify the mechanisms that modulate streambed biogeochemistry (Carbon metabolism and Nitrogen uptake of the microbial community) at various chronologies of flow resumption with and without sediment transport. The resumption of flow after drying is considered as a biogeochemical hot moment, with high rates of C-metabolism and N-uptake influenced by the frequency of previous drying. The mechanisms modulating this hot moment are not well understood. Research so far focused on single factor studies in temporary stream and river ecosystems. However, intermittency and resumption of flow occurs increasingly also in perennial stream ecosystems and surface flow often implies sediment transport (e.g., migrating ripples, upper stage plane bed), especially in sandy streams. In addition, flow resumption can follow different chronologies such as instantly by rain events or slow by rising groundwater, and the concentrations of C and N leached upon flow resumption can also influence the biogeochemical response. To be started on June 1st 2021.

Your profile:

  • Master degree in biology, environmental sciences, engineering or other relevant fields
  • Knowledge/experience in at least one of the following fields: limnology, microbiology, freshwater ecology, biogeochemistry
  • Driving license
  • Capability of conducting independent research, excellent skills in English language and scientific writing

We offer:

3 year contract (Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L 75 % part time position) in a fully funded collaborative research project

  • Excellent interdisciplinary support, national and international collaborations and access to state-of-the-art research facilities and instrumentation
  • The place of work will be the Institute for Environmental Sciences Landau and UFZ in Magdeburg, a friendly and international working environment within a region of high living quality
  • Please contact Dr. Clara Mendoza-Lera ( or Dr. Ute Risse-Buhl ( for further information.
  • Women with equivalent suitability, competence and professional performance will have preference for employment as far as and for as long as an underrepresentation exists. This is not the case if there are such serious reasons of an applicant that are above the principle of equality of women. Applicants with disabilities who have the same qualifications will have preference (please attach a proof). International candidates are highly encouraged to apply.

Applications should include a letter of motivation, a complete curriculum vitae including copies of certificates and a letter of recommendation for the announced position from a referee. Please send your application before 08 March 2021 via email in a single pdf document to Please make sure to mention your name and the reference number 14/2021 in the subject line of the e-mail.

We do not send an acknowledgement of receipt. You will receive information about the result of your candidature. Date destruction after the conclusion of the selection procedure is assured.

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