Reunión Alumni Cine - Dic 2022


El jueves 8 de diciembre invitamos a los graduados de cine para que visiten la USFQ y prueben un coctel. Alumni de diferentes promociones compartieron un momento con sus colegas y profesores. Contaron sus diferentes experiencias profesionales y nos brindaron su experiencia que aprovecharemos para realizar mejoras en la carrera.

3 comentarios :

  1. Wow, it sounds like the Cinema Alumni Meeting on December 8 at USFQ was a fantastic event! I wish I could have been there to connect with fellow film graduates and learn from their professional experiences, but unfortunately I was busy with British Assignment Writers. Are there any plans for similar gatherings in the future?

  2. Loved the Alumni Meeting, It was no doubt a fantastics event with multiple fun activities but it was also a long and time consuming event that took so much of my time and was left with no time for any other commitments even my assignment and had to contact UK Assignment Service to complete my assignment on time.

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