martes, 29 de agosto de 2023

Fully funded PhD Graduate Researcher opportunity from the University of Miami

 Fully funded PhD available from University of Miami college of Engineering 

The department of Civil and Architectural Engineering are seeking for a graduate assistant to pursue doctoral studies in Civil and Architectural Engineering with a focus on the generation and analysis of tensegrity structures on a project  funded y the National Science Foundation.

The student will work with an interdisciplinary team to develop a theoretical understanding of how morphology can be used to define form, stability, equilibrium, deployability, structural response, sensing, and control in complex tensegrity structures. The candidate should have their BS and/or MS in Civil or Mechanical Engineering or related field, with a strong interest in structures and architecture. Relevant experience in form finding, parametrization or optimization is beneficial, but not required. 

If you are interested in this position, please email Dr. Landolf Rhode-Barbarigos ( with a copy of your resume and transcript (unofficial is sufficient).

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